Monday, April 21, 2014

Shattered Glass

I think that it was a good thing that the main character was fired at the end because I think that if you are a writer then you should not be making up stuff especially when you are saying that your story is nonfiction.  The main character I think had either a couple of mental problems where he thought things were actually happening when they really weren't or he just had a really vivid imagination that helped him create his stories.  It was a good thing that he was fired because he had written around 47 stories and half of them were fake so just imagine how more fake stories he would have written if he had not been fired.

I also think that it was a good thing that he got fired because he eventually graduated law school and I think that deep down inside he might have liked law school more than journalism.  I also feel that the main character should go off writing fiction stories instead of non fiction books because he would be very good at it and people would respect him more because they would know that the book contains things that are not real.

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Place Where I Want To Be

Giovanni Orfin
Professor Anthony
English 101
9 April 2014

The Place Where I Want To Be
The place where I want to be at and will always remember the most is the casino.  The casino I think is a great place to be at only if you know how to control yourself and if you know when to stop and when to keep going.  The casino is like a big temptation that is always manipulating you to keep spending more and more of your money and that is when people develop gambling problems and for those people the casino is definitely not a place where they want to be at for the sake of themselves and their money.  But for people like me who can control themselves and always win at a casino in this case the casino is the place to be.

            The reason why I remember how a casino looks like and how it feels is because whenever I was little and I lived in California my grandma always used to take me and my brother to the casino.  My grandma used to go all the time because she never really lost at the casino she was always winning which always made her happy.  Even though my brother and I couldn’t really do anything at the casino because we weren’t old enough I enjoyed being there because I just loved listening to the sounds that all of the slot machines were making and the sound of the coins dropping out of the machine.  I also liked all of the changing lights that the slot machines made and that is why I liked the casino so much.

            The reason why my grandma liked going to the casino was be she was always going with her mom when she was younger so I guess the casino kind of grew on my grandma as well as me.  When my grandma was at the casino with her mom she always watched her win at every slot machine and that is why my grandma started playing slot machines with her.  My grandma would win and she always got lucky on all of the machines and usually never lost.  My grandma always told me that her mom used to stay at the casinos until 8 in the morning and would fall asleep in the chair but her hand kept on pushing the button.  She told me that one day that she was pushing the button while she was asleep she hit the jackpot and didn’t even know it because she was asleep and I don’t really remember what happened with the jackpot because I don’t remember what my grandma told me after that.
            I have always wanted to go to the casino for years but I was never old enough and still had to wait to get older.  Once I was 18 I thought to myself “only 3 more years and then I can go to the casino!” and that was when my mom told me “there is a casino called downstream that lets 18 year olds in” I was just stunned after hearing that.  The place was pretty far away and my parents couldn’t drive me down there nor could I but when I was in MSU I was hanging out with the fraternities and they started talking about taking a trip down to downstream.  They said that all of the fraternities were going and they were taking new people with them so I joined them and was headed to downstream.
            When we go to the casino the outside looked awesome and the building was very big.  As I stepped inside the casino it just brought back memories because for the first time in like 10 years it was the first time that I had seen slot machines!  I also heard every single sound that the machines were making and all the lights they were giving off.  I felt the machines and some of them felt really old and some felt new and I was just feeling so good being in a casino again and it felt even better that I knew I was going to get to play them.  The only thing that I didn’t like about the casino was all of the smoke!  The smoke was just making my throat hurt, drying up my contacts, making my nose sting, and made me dizzy but other than that it was great!
            I kept on looking around the place and it just looked beautiful, the building, the designs, the architecture, and everything looked good.  I noticed that there were some pretty interesting restaurants in the casino and I could smell some of the food even with all the smoke in the place.  There were a lot of old people in the casino that looked like they had been there for a while, some of them had happy faces and some of them had really serious faces.  I was looking forward to playing my first slot machine!

I went over to a random slot machine and I had no idea how to play it so I just started pushing buttons and I pushed the button around 3 times and I realized that I was playing on the worst slot machine for me.  The slot machine I was playing made me bet $15 each time!  I had lost $45 in like 10 seconds so I only had 5 dollars left which sucked.  I said all well and just went to the cheapest slot machine, which were the penny slots and just started playing on that.  Even though I wasn’t winning anything I was still having loads of fun just sitting there and watching the reels spin and watching the lights flash.
            The penny slots are pretty fun to play on because you don’t have to worry about losing a lot of money and I knew not to expect to win a lot of money from a penny slot machine.  In the first place I didn’t even want to win money at the casino because I just didn’t care at the time all I cared about was just being at the casino to have a good experience and to have a good time.  Fun, that is what I got out of the casino at the end of the day even though I lost my money.
            About a month later I asked my family to go to the casino with me and they agreed to go so we all got on the casino bus that drove us from Springfield to Downstream.  When we got there I went to the most appealing slot machine that I saw and I clicked the button a few times and I had won $300 and at the end of the day I was happy.  I kept on going to the casino in the future and the 3rd time I won $600 and then the 4rth time I won $180.  Even though I loved the casino I now loved it even more because I kept on wining a lot of money every time I went which made me so happy and that is why I like being at the casino.




Monday, April 7, 2014

If I were a crayon

If could choose to be a crayon of every color then I would probably be blue  because that is just my favorite color.  People would always be using me to create different kinds of drawings that would probably be peaceful drawings for example they would be drawing rivers, skies, and oceans.  They would use me pretty much to draw nature.  The color blue is the best color I think because a lot of things are blue and because a lot of other peoples favorite color is blue.  If i were alive as the crayon then I would probably just jump around all over the room and explore places that I could get to as a crayon and just tons fun while being a crayon.  I would always probably draw all over the walls I until I made myself run out of wax which would make me end up dead because there would be nothing left of me.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Andrews Custom Writing

Andrew has a business on custom writing where you can buy essays for a certain price or you can have your essay corrected for.  Some people are thinking that his business is bad for students because a lot of students are going to his website and buying essays and its bad because it is considered cheating.  When student go to his website and buy essays they are not really learning anything and they are cheating their way for a good grade and a lot of people are blaming Andrew and thinking he is a bad guy for doing and I don't think he is bad at all and here is why.

I don't think that Andrew is bad because I view him as just a guy trying to make a living off a business that he has come up with all by himself.  I just don't get how people can blame for people just buying essays from because the only person that can be blamed s the person who is buying from.  People have also been saying that he website is all about plagiarism and i don't think it is because even though it is not your work you still are paying for the information which makes you the owner of the paper.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Secret Agent

This story is about a CIA agent who receives a brief case from another agent that is loaded with technology and can mostly do anything.  When the agent is sitting down he is eating a doughnut and as he is eating it a bird sees the doughnut and lands next to the agent.  It is obvious that the bird wants the doughnut so the agent gives him a little piece to taste but the bird did not want a piece he wanted the whole thing.  When the bird tries to get the doughnut he falls into the briefcase and gets trapped inside of it.  The bird starts pushing random buttons and this activates certain functions, which make the brief case do crazy things like fly and shoot lasers.  After fighting with the for a little the agents feels defeated and deceives the bird by giving him the doughnut which the bird didn’t get because the doughnut falls into the briefcase and activates a button.

             The button that the doughnut activated set of a missile and it sent out smoke everywhere which made the place smell like fireworks and I’m pretty sure that everybody could feel the power from the rocket.  The agent chased after the rocket and the bird was still chasing him, the bird got on top of his brief case and that made the agent finally give him the doughnut that he had been after.  The agent takes down the rocket and lots of police show up because they had heard the explosion and in the end the bird gets killed.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Sky rain

I like it when it starts raining outside because I just like the sound that the rain makes.  I also like looking at the rain fall from the sky because since there are many drops it makes it look interesting.  What I don't like about the rain is being out in it because its really annoying have to walk around with a wet shirt and you would eventually get sick from being outside to long.  I don't like driving out in the rain because the roads are always slippery and my car could always hydroplane which puts me at more of a risk for getting into a car wreck which is what I really dont want.  Another thing that I like about the rain is that when someone else is driving me around at night and its raining I like to look at the road and see the reflections of light coming off of it.  Overall I really do like rain because I think that it is just beautiful.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Chocolate Protein Pancakes

Giovanni Orfin
English 101
Mrs. Kelly Anthony

The reason I started cooking by myself was because I started lifting weights and I wanted to eat healthier.  My parents always made their food with a lot of oils and always made some kind of dessert with added sugar.  They were always adding a lot of salt to the food and a lot of other seasonings that I did not like because it just tasted bad to me.  I started cooking myself because I wanted eat healthier, whenever I wanted, and I wanted to eat whatever I wanted.  I learned to cook by having my dad teach me and having YouTube help out also.  One of my favorite foods to cook was a protein pancake.

The reason why I like making the protein pancake is because it is just so easy to get all of the ingredients together and it does not take much time at all to make it.  The ingredients are also all cheap and I always have so much available in my fridge.  I also make the pancakes because I lift weights and I think that it is a great post workout meal and it helps me recover from my workout because it has so much protein in it and it also taste very good.  I made the pancake myself without following a specific recipe I was just bored one day and decided to make a pancake my own way which turned out pretty great.

            I would eat the protein pancake after I came home from the gym and I really liked the pancake because it was a huge pancake and it tasted like chocolate.  The ingredients of the pancake were 5 whole eggs, half-cup flour, half a cup of Greek yogurt, and my chocolate whey protein powder. Once the ingredients are together then I  put them in the frying pan and then wait a couple of minutes.  As the pancake is cooking I always like seeing how huge it gets when it is done cooking, it triples its original size.  I also like the hearing sizzle that the eggs make when they are being cooked. 

            Once the pancake is done and ready to eat I take it out of the frying and put it in the biggest dish that I can get (that is how big it gets) and set it on it.  The pancake smells like pure chocolate and always looks so good and even though I feel so tired after the gym I always feel energized after I am done eating the pancake.  The reason why I like pancakes in the first place is because when I was little my grandma used to make my a lot of pancakes mainly chocolate ones and I always thought that it was the best dessert in the world.  My grandma can’t make my pancakes all the time and they are always unhealthy so that is why I decided to make my own version of pancakes that way they can be healthy and so that I can eat them whenever I want.

Monday, March 24, 2014

She is blonde

2 brunettes and a blonde chick escape from a prison and the cops are after them.  The 3 girls go into a barn and they all 3 hide in 3 different potato sacks, the cops go in there and start to look around.  The cops find the sacks and they poke the one with the first brunette and she says "meow" then they poke the second one and she says "rough rough" and then they poke the blond and she's says "potato.

The young boy was angry because since he did not do his chore and because he got bad grades his parents took away his ps4 and that made him very angry because not he had nothing to do and he couldn't comunicate with his friends.

I was not happy the other day because because I was talking to my parents about buying a PS4 with my own money and they said that I could not buy it.  I got mad because I was like its my money and I want to get it but they still didn't let me buy it.  I will probably buy later on in the future and surprise them with it.

I will never do that again

What I will never do again eat anything spicy ever again in my life.  The reason why Im never eating anything spicy again is because when I was little my uncle was eating food and next to his plate he had pepper and I did not really not what it was at the time and what I is I went up to it and grabbed then ate it al with a single bite.  As son as my taste buds tasted the pepper my tongue and my entire mouth lit on fire and my face turned red.  I ran to go to go  get some water but no matter how much water I drank the burning sensation did not go away I kept drinking more and nothing happened.  I then tried drinking lots of milk but nothing helped so I just stood their in pain while my uncle laughing at how red my face was.  That is why I will never eat anything spicy again so that my mouth never lights of fire and I dont get embarrassed.

Friday, March 21, 2014


When I was little my grandma always used to make me tamales all of the time and they would either have sugar or no sugar.  I think that the tamales that were sweet tasted the best because they had sugar, raisins, and other ingredients that I didn’t know about in the tamales and the color of it was blue, which was my favorite color.  The other kind of tamale that my grandma made was brownish and it had chicken and some kind of sauce in it and it tasted very good but I think I still liked the sweet tamale a lot more.  Every time my grandma made tamales she would always make a lot of them and I always made sure that I was satisfied with them.

I kind of want to know how to make my grandmas tamales but at the same time I don’t really want to.  I want to know to make tamales because I think that it would be fun helping my grandma out and it would be cool to see of all the ingredients come together.  Also I would be able to make tamales whenever I wanted to that way my cravings can be satisfied whenever I choose.  I don’t want learn how to make tamales because they just take hours and hours to make and the pot you have to use is huge and take up a lot of space.  I also would not want to make them is because I would probably end up getting fat off eating tamales.  But I do eat tamales from time to time whenever my grandma makes them.

5 senses

As I was dreaming I was in a never-ending jungle I could see many creatures looking at me like I was something they have never seen before and I was looking right back at them.  I could hear the bird chirping and all of the monkeys playing and I could feel the earth all around me.  The jungle had all different kinds of smells it was hard to just focus on one kind of smell.  All of the trees felt very strong and firm and even though I was in a dream I could still taste the fruit in the jungle.