Monday, March 31, 2014

Secret Agent

This story is about a CIA agent who receives a brief case from another agent that is loaded with technology and can mostly do anything.  When the agent is sitting down he is eating a doughnut and as he is eating it a bird sees the doughnut and lands next to the agent.  It is obvious that the bird wants the doughnut so the agent gives him a little piece to taste but the bird did not want a piece he wanted the whole thing.  When the bird tries to get the doughnut he falls into the briefcase and gets trapped inside of it.  The bird starts pushing random buttons and this activates certain functions, which make the brief case do crazy things like fly and shoot lasers.  After fighting with the for a little the agents feels defeated and deceives the bird by giving him the doughnut which the bird didn’t get because the doughnut falls into the briefcase and activates a button.

             The button that the doughnut activated set of a missile and it sent out smoke everywhere which made the place smell like fireworks and I’m pretty sure that everybody could feel the power from the rocket.  The agent chased after the rocket and the bird was still chasing him, the bird got on top of his brief case and that made the agent finally give him the doughnut that he had been after.  The agent takes down the rocket and lots of police show up because they had heard the explosion and in the end the bird gets killed.

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