Friday, January 24, 2014

Linking Log

Today as I was walking towards my classroom I noticed something brown on the floor that was round and smooth.  I didn't know what the object was exactly because I was far away and could not really see it that well.  As I got closer and closer I took a good look at it and found out that it was a linking Log.  I thought to myself that the linking Log probably fell out of someone's pocket as they were trying to get to their class.  I picked up the linking log and then lost interest because it was nothing special to me, it didn't look good nor did it do anything which is why everyone else who saw that linking log did not pick it up and just left it there.  I don't really know why someone would be carrying around a linking log especially in college, I mean who plays with those things  anymore?  Seeing that linking log felt like I was back in high school instead of college because when I think of an object like legos and linking logs I think little kids.  The only person that did pick up the linking log was my English professor who brought the object to the class and presented it which is why I am free writing about the linking log.

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